7-Eleven Cambodia organizes workshops for business partners to enhance manufacturers’ capacity and improve Cambodian product quality

CP ALL (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. organized a knowledge exchange program on GMP/GHP food production system for Cambodian business partners who produce food products in a workshop at the head office building in Phnom Penh with participants from over 20 business partners and participation in this program is free of charge.

Mr. Sontaya Wangsiriwate , Managing Director of CPL (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., said that this activity aims to enhance the potential of business partners to have knowledge and understanding of good product standards including related food laws to be clear understanding and controlling products throughout the process to comply with Cambodian laws by the principle of sharing knowledge to support local entrepreneurs according to the values and 3 benefits of the CP Group that CPL has always adhered to in managing 7-Eleven in the Kingdom of Cambodia with a strong commitment to organize the sharing of knowledge programs regularly to develop the potential of local producers and the quality of local products.